Trouser Man

He wore a greyish t-shirt tucked into track pants. He was roundish and had an unkempt stubble. I had my mask on, hence I was spared the ordeal of having to take a whiff of him, as he most certainly did not look too clean. He, on the other hand, had no mask on.

The Mystery of the Fallen Potted Plants

There was order and neatness in every aspect, on the lawn outside. The glass window of the Heritage Centre revealed a soothing view of greenery and sunlight. However, there was a slight concern at the Centre. Three pots amidst the uniform green, always seemed to be lying down. Funnily, they pointed to the same directionContinue reading “The Mystery of the Fallen Potted Plants”

Birding in the Garden

It was a normal afternoon at Rishi Valley. Fairly hot and buzzing with bird activity. The Yellow-billed Babblers were really coming in strong

Dead Leaves

You still remember the scent of crushed leaves basking in the mud, the sun choking out their water. The inviting aroma of dead leaves would anchor itself in the air of a hot, sunny day. It was the time of farewells and goodbyes, tears and nostalgia for a past that could not be undone. AtContinue reading “Dead Leaves”

The Chief

The Porqupine Stood in the middle of the road, Quills pointed in defence mode, He was going to write a novel, With my blood And his hundred quills. The twilight twisted slowly into night, And I stepped back Out of respect For he looked like a native American chief With his white and black spears Continue reading “The Chief”